Daniel Baketić
Vlasnik i direktor Centra estetske stomatologije d.o.o.
Let izkušenj
- Zdravstveni izobraževalni center (Zdravstveni obrazovni centar), smer zobotehnik
- Stomatološka fakulteta v Zagrebu (Stomatološki fakultet u Zagrebu), 1999, zdravnik dentalne medicine.
- Strokovni program ustne implantologije na Univerzi Johann Wolfgang Goethe, (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University) Frankfurt am Main, 2010, certificirani specialist implantologije
- Član ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry), Dunaj, 2007.
- ESCD predsednik za Hrvaško, Firence, 2008.
- Certificirani član ESCD pred strokovno komisijo na skupnem kongresu ESCD
- Član AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry), London 2010. 2011.
- Član EAO (European Academy of Osseointegration), 2013
- Član HKDM (Hrvaška zbornica za dentalno medicino)
- Predsednik Sveta za mednarodno izobraževanje HKDM-ja
- Član Strokovnega sveta HKDM
Kongresi, tečaji in certifikati
- 2000 – IADR (International Academy for Dental Research), Washington DC, ZDA
- 2004 – Alpe Adria Dental Symposium Opatija, Hrvaška
- 2005 – Nobel Biocare Basic Combined Training Course, Replace Select Dental Implant Systems, Zagreb, Hrvaška
- Replace Select Dental Implant Systems, Zagreb, Hrvaška 2006 – World Congress of GOIA, München, Nemčija
- 2007 – Annual meeting of the ESCD “New Challenge in Update Dentistry”, Dunaj, Avstrija
- 2007 – Ankylos multi-indicative, Dunaj, Avstrija
- 2008 – 5th Annual Meeting ESCD, Esthetic Excellence Fusion of Art and Sience, Firence, Italija
- 2008 – The Clinical Innovations Conference, London, Anglija
- 2009 – 6th Annual Meeting ESCD, Pariz, Francija
- 2009 – Q-Implant Marathon, Santa Clara, Cuba
- 2010 – Croatian International Quintessence Congress, Zagreb, Hrvaška
- 2010 – 7th Annual Meeting ESCD, Esthetic meets Aesthetics, London, Anglija
- 2010 – International Dental Congress, Hvar, Hrvaška.
- 2010 – 4th Dentsply Friadent World Symposium, Barcelona, Španija
- 2010 – Austrian Dental Association, GBR Technique “State of the art in Surgical Periodontology, Implantology and Endodontology”, Zell am See, Avstrija
- 2010 – Austrian Dental Association, Regenerative Periodontal Surgery “State of the art in Surgical Periodontology, Implantology and Endodontology”, Zell am See, Avstrija
- 2010 – Austrian Dental Association, Advanced Anterior Implant Surgery “State of the art in Surgical Periodontology, Implantology and Endodontology”, Zell am See, Avstrija
- 2010 – Austrian Dental Association, Basic Microsurgical Training for Periodontal Surgery “State of the art in Surgical Periodontology, Implantology and Endodontology”, Zell am See, Avstrija
- 2010 Austrian Dental Association “State of the art in Surgical Periodontology, Implantology and Endodontology”, Zell am See, Avstrija
- 2011 – Croatian International Quintessence Congress, Zagreb, Hrvaška
- 2011 – 8th Annual Meeting ESCD, Artistry and Tehnology, Dubrovnik, Hrvaška
- 2012 – ESCD and SSER joint meeting, Bukarešta, Romunija (predavatelj)
- 2013 – 10th Annual Meeting ESCD, Torino, Italija (moderator)
- 2013 – Inman Aligner, certificirani uporabnik/učitelj London, Velika Britanija
- 2014 – Aurum Independent Specialists Academy – Domenico Massironi: “precision and aesthetics”; “tooth preparation for the prosthetic restorations by utilizing dental microscope”
- 2014 Sodobni trendi v oralni kirurgiji in zobozdravstveni implantologiji, Zagreb, Hrvaška
- 2014 – 11th Annual Meeting ESCD, “White and Pink Esthetics” Rim, Italija (moderator)
- 2016. Heart of Esthetics by ESCD (moderator), Zagreb, Croatia
- 2016. Restoration in frontal area with ceramic creation, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
- 2016. MIS Multifix Course, Barcelona, Spain
- 2016. Dentsply Sirona key opinion leader for diod lasers
- 2017. Dentsply Sirona key opinion leader for restaurative dentistry
- 2019. Laboratoires VIVACY Theory and Injection Tehnique Advanced Training on STYLAGE Indications, Zagreb, Croatia
- 2019. Atraumatic extractions and crest split by ACTEON, Zagreb, Croatia
- 2020. Certified Acteon Trainer for Piezosurgery